Living Control Systems Publishing; dedicated to Perceptual Control Theory, a new conception of how all living things function

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About Greg Williams

Gregory Williams has made major contributions to Perceptual Control Theory. He serves as the original archivist for the Control Systems Group and keeps numerous boxes of papers, audio recordings and other documents relating to Perceptual Control Theory at his home in Kentucky. Greg and his wife Pat edited, typeset and published several books on Control Theory such as Living Control Systems, Introduction to Modern Psychology, Mind Readings, Living Control Systems II. They also edited and typset PCT-related books by Ed Ford and Gary Cziko.

Greg and his wife Pat Williams also edited Continuing the Conversation, a Newsletter of ideas in Cybernetics.

To use Greg's services as a book editor, see RareIdeas Publishing. Greg and Pat also publish the newsletter HortIdeas.


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Dag Forssell, Publisher, Webmaster
dag at livingcontrolsystems dot com