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pic Wonder Weeks

The Wonder Weeks

How to stimulate your baby’s mental development and help him turn his 10 predictable, great, fussy phases into magical leaps forward

See also
See also Frans Plooij's YouTube movies
See also TheWonderWeeksStory
See also TheLeapingHurdlesStory

About Frans Plooij  


Growing Up:
How Your Baby Does It



Growing Up: How Your Baby Does It




page 1:

Watching their babies grow is, for many parents, one of the most interesting and rewarding experiences of their lives. Parents love to record and celebrate the first time their babies sit up, crawl, say their first words, feed themselves, and a myriad of other precious "firsts."

But few parents stop to think about what's happening in their babies' minds that allows them to learn these skills when they do. We know that a baby's perception of the world is growing and changing when she suddenly is able to play peek-a-boo or to recognize Grandma's voice on the telephone. These moments are as remarkable as the first time she crawls, but even more mysterious because they involve things happening inside her brain that we cannot see. They're proof that her brain is growing as rapidly as her chubby little body.

But every parent discovers sooner or later that the first year of life can be a bumpy road. While parents revel in their children's development and share their joy as they discover the world around them, parents also find...


This chapter is reproduced in its entirety, complete with the chart that shows your baby's 10 great fussy phases, in the Book of Readings.


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dag at livingcontrolsystems dot com